Monday, January 12, 2009

Lessons Learned

Well everyone-I messed up. I said somethings in this blog that were hurtful, inappropriate, and unprofessional which I have now taken off. The school saw what I wrote and chose to send me home. As much as it hurts, I do understand their decision and can only blame myself. Even though I was only there for a week, I feel that I gain some fantastic experience.
So, after many tears and a long drive to think about things I have concluded this: although I may think of myself as a mature young woman, I am still just a kid and have a lot of growing up to do. I think very highly of that school and am very upset with myself that such a stupid decision ended my time with them.

Needless to say, I am not too fond of blogging anymore and I will not be doing it for quite awhile.

I apologize to everyone I disappointed.
Love to all,


  1. That school evidently doesn't believe in second chances. Their loss!! You are a great person and will do well at some other place that is just as good or better. Keep on with the great stuff you have been doing and you will be a great asset to the deaf community!!

  2. I appreciate your support but I really don't hold anything against the school for this. So who exactly am I thanking for this?

  3. I don't know what you said but could it be that bad that they had to send you home? This definitely seems a little too strict. Keep up all of your hard work Robin. You are a wonderful person!!
